Impact of a Gluten-free Diet on Several Growth Parameters in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Celiac Disease in Western Uttar Pradesh, India
type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac diseases, short statureAbstract
Background. Celiac disease is frequently associated with uncontrolled blood sugar and impaired linear growth in a child with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Objective. To study the impact of a gluten-free diet on several growth parameters in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and celiac disease.
Methodology. Two hundred and fifty six patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus were screened (149 males and 107 females) during the study period of two years. Patients were evaluated for the clinical signs, biochemical investigations and family history of celiac disease in a tertiary care health centre in Western Uttar Pradesh, India.
Results. Twenty four (9.3%) patients were diagnosed to have celiac disease; the mean age at diagnosis of diabetes was 9.37±7 years. Only one out of twenty four patients with celiac disease had been diagnosed before the detection of diabetes mellitus. Weight standard deviation score (SDS) increased from -0.12±1.3 at the start of gluten free diet to 0.8±0.9 after 12 months (p<0.004). Height SDS decreased from -2.46±1.1 at the start of gluten free diet to -2.14±0.9 after 12 months later (p=0.087). Bone age SDS increased from 9.2±6.3 at the start of gluten free diet to 10.3±6.7 after 12 months later. Height velocity increased from 4.7±0.7 cm/year in the year before treatment to 5.1+1.2 cm/year during treatment (p=0.05). The increase in Haemoglobin, serum calcium, and serum iron was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion. Patients with celiac disease associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus frequently have poor glycemic control and impairment in several growth parameters. When these patients are put on a gluten restricted diet, they show signs of improvement in terms of weight gain, height, serum Ca, serum iron, haemoglobin, and in height velocity.
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