Microvascular and Macrovascular Complications in Young-onset Type 2 Diabetes in a Tertiary Health Institution in Malaysia in Comparison with Type 1 Diabetes Patients
young- onset type 2 diabetes, diabetic complications, type 1 diabetesAbstract
Objectives: To compare the rate of diabetes complications in young-onset type 2 diabetes (T2DM) with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) patients and to examine the relationship between diabetes complications with clinical and metabolic parameters.
Methodology: This is a retrospective,comparative study based on electronic medical records review. Young-onset T2DM patients defined as those with disease onset before the age of 40 and T1DM patients were included. Data was collected on demographic and clinical parameters, cardiovascular risks factors, macrovascular and microvascular complications.
Results: There were 194 young-onset T2DM and 45 T1DM subjects. Despite similar glycemic profile, more subjects in the T2DM group hadunfavourable cardiovascular risk factors and developedmacro- or microvascular complications than the T1DM group (22 vs. 0%, p< 0.001for macrovascular, 68 vs. 40%, p< 0.001 for microvascular). Afteradjustment ofthe confounders, young-onset T2DM remained an independent predictor for both macrovascular and microvascular complications in the overall cohort (HR= 2.635, p= 0.022).
Conclusion:Young-onset T2DM appeared to be a more aggressive disease compared to T1DM. An aggressive approach should be adopted in treating young-onset T2DM to optimise the cardiovascular risk factors and glycemic control to prevent premature mortality and morbidity.
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