Congratulations to PCEDM, the Board of Trustees, Grandball Organizers, Committee on Awards and to all the recipients of the PCEDM Diamond Awards, most especially to:
Dr. Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco, PCEDM Past President and JAFES Editor-in-Chief, who received a Diamond Award as PCEDM Distinguished Researcher;
Dr. Cecilia Jimeno, PCEDM Past President and JAFES Vice Editor-in-Chief, who received a Diamond Award as PCEDM Distinguished Leader.
We also congratulate the Editorial Board of Anim na Dekada, PCEDM's 60th Anniversary Coffee Table Book, most especially to:
Dr. Patricia Gatbonton, PCEDM Past President, CTB Editor-in-Chief, JAFES Chief Copy Editor
Dr. Ma. Cecille Anonuevo-Cruz, CTB's Associate Editor and JAFES Senior Copy Editor
Dr. Elaine Cunanan, CTB Managing Editor and JAFES Senior Copy Editor
Dr. Monica Therese Cating-Cabral, PCEDM Board of Trustee, CTB Literary Editor, JAFES Science Communicator
Dr. Aurora Macaballug, PCEDM Secretary, CTB Literary Editor and Dr. Lora Tan Tin -Hay, PCEDM Treasurer, CTB Literary Editor.