Article Withdrawal, Retractions and Corrections
Article Withdrawal
Manuscripts may be withdrawn by the author until the point when the article has not yet been included in the galley of the full issue and only upon the formal written request of the author stating the reason for the withdrawal. Should there be a need to correct the article of record as part of a published issue, the article shall be retracted and the corrected version shall be uploaded.
Article Retractions and Corrections
There may be instances when an article published by the JAFES must be retracted or corrected.
Retraction is indicated when there are violations of responsible and ethical scholarly publication guidelines, such as multiple submissions, plagiarism, false or fraudulent data, OR when there is a need to correct serious or major errors in the original published article. “Serious or major errors” refer to those which invalidate the article’s results and conclusions.*
For all retractions:
- A retraction notice signed by all authors shall be published as the cover page of the PDF version.
- The article shall remain in the database and published issue but a notation shall be placed in the table of contents indicating that the article has been retracted, following the convention: “RETRACTION: [Title].”
- The HTML version shall be removed and the link button to the HTML version disabled.
- A watermark indicating that the work is retracted shall be placed on each page of the original article published and shall be uploaded to replace the PDF version.
*Authors may resubmit after addressing serious or major errors but the manuscript shall be considered an entirely new submission.
Errors that do not change or invalidate the article’s results and conclusions shall undergo correction. For all corrections:
- A correction notice/erratum signed by all authors shall be published as the cover page of the corrected PDF version.
- The corrected article version shall include details of the changes from the original version and the dates on which the changes were made.
- All prior versions of the article shall be archived by the JAFES and made available upon request approved by the Editor-in-Chief.
- Previous versions archived by the JAFES shall indicate that there is a corrected version.
- Citations shall be ascribed to the corrected version.