A Review of the 2008 Singapore Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines on Osteoporosis and an Update
Osteoporosis is a major public health problem worldwide and it is of particular significance in a rapidly aging society such as Singapore. In order to prevent the devastating sequelae of osteoporosis, it is important, to diagnose the condition early, to identify its associated risk factors and to initiate pharmacotherapy promptly when required. In addition, it is important to increase awareness of this condition amongst both health care professionals and the public. The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2008 was an update of a previously published version in 2002. It aimed at providing the best evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis, classification, evaluation and multidisciplinary management of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in Singapore. This article summarizes the guidelines, discusses their applicability and utilization in Singapore and briefly outlines updates in management since the publication of the CPG.Downloads
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