Adherence to Self-Care Behavior in Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Outpatient Department of the Philippine General Hospital
Objective. The objective of this study is to determine the level of adherence of T2DM patients to the recommended self-care behavior: healthy eating, being active, glucose monitoring, medication adherence, problem-solving, healthy coping and risks reduction.
Methodology. This is a cross-sectional study consisting of administration of the Behavior Score Instrument among 126 diagnosed T2DM patients in the Outpatient Department of the Philippine General Hospital. Data obtained were encoded and analysed using the Stata 12 program where a corresponding score was given to the answers to every question and the average was stratified by the level of adherence to the recommended self-care behaviors.
Results and Conclusion. Majority of the participants have good adherence in five of the seven identified self-care behaviors: medication taking (76.2%), healthy coping (65.9%), healthy eating (50.0%), problem solving (47.6%) and being active (46.0%). In terms of glucose monitoring and risks reduction, 63.5% and 55.6% of the participants have fair adherence respectively. Overall, 43.7% have good compliance to the self-care behaviors while 54.8% and 1.6% have fair and poor compliance respectively.
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