Celiac Disease as a Cause of Anemia and Brittle Diabetes in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus


  • Yotsapon Thewjitcharoen Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2317-4041
  • Vichai Viriyautsahakul Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Natthaporn Sasijaroenrat Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Surat Komindr Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Phawinpon Chotwanvirat Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4714-790X
  • Chadaporn Nongkhunsarn Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Soontaree Nakasatien Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5032-8296
  • Thep Himathongkam Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand




Celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes, Brittle Diabetes


Untreated celiac disease (CD) leads to an increased risk for hypoglycemia and diabetic complications. However, the diagnosis of CD can be challenging and some extra-gastrointestinal tract manifestations could be a presenting symptom. We report a case of a 29-year-old Indian male with brittle T1DM whose underlying CD was discovered from a work-up for anemia. After an introduction of a gluten-free diet, he gained 5 kgs in two months, was responsive to oral iron supplement, and had stable glycemic control with much less hypoglycemia. Even though this disease is rare in Asian populations, the diagnosis of celiac disease should always be kept in mind when people with T1DM present with unexplained microcytic anemia and/or unexplained hypoglycemia.


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Author Biographies

Yotsapon Thewjitcharoen, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Diabetes and Thyroid Center

Vichai Viriyautsahakul, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Division of Gastroenterology

Natthaporn Sasijaroenrat, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Division of Hematology

Surat Komindr, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Division of Clinical Nutrition

Phawinpon Chotwanvirat, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Diabetes and Thyroid Center

Chadaporn Nongkhunsarn, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Diabetes and Thyroid Center

Soontaree Nakasatien, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Diabetes and Thyroid Center

Thep Himathongkam, Theptarin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

Diabetes and Thyroid Center


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How to Cite

Thewjitcharoen, Y., Viriyautsahakul, V., Sasijaroenrat, N., Komindr, S., Chotwanvirat, P., Nongkhunsarn, C., … Himathongkam, T. (2022). Celiac Disease as a Cause of Anemia and Brittle Diabetes in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 36(2), 227–230. https://doi.org/10.15605/jafes.036.02.19



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