Prevalence and Determinant Factors for Overweight and Obesity and Degenerative Diseases Among Young Adults in Indonesia
Objective. To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in young adults and its associations with some variables, based on the national Basic Health Research (BHR) data year 2007.
Methodology. The statistical analyses included data of 80,254 females and 73,588 males, age 19-29 years, who live in rural and urban areas. Weight, height, waist circumference and blood pressure data were measured, and the subjects were interviewed to obtain the socio-demographic and lifestyle data. Blood glucose data came from 10 % of the total subjects in urban area only. Overweight and obesity were determined using the Asia-Pacific WHO criteria.
Results. Overweight prevalence was 13.4% for females, 12.6% for males and obesity was 15.0% for females and 8.3% for males. The prevalence of both was increased by age, and were similar among high socio-economic group (13.4% overweight and 12.4% obese) and low socio-economic group (12.2 % overweight and 10.9% obese). The level of physical activity was not different among overweight and obese versus normal subjects. The prevalence of central obesity was 15.3%, among overweight and 49.9% among obese. The prevalence of hypertension was 13.4% among overweight and 21.0% among obese in comparison to 9.7% among normal subjects. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus was 6.1% and 2.2% among overweight; 8.9% and 1.4% among obese subjects. Determinant factors for overweight and obesity were older age (OR= 1.72, 95% CI 1.66-1.76); female gender (OR=1.33, CI 1.29 – 1.37); work as housewife, government official, armed force personnel, policeman, private businessman (OR=1.41, CI 1.37-1.46); higher per capita income (OR= 1.09, CI: 1.06 -1.13) and living in urban area (OR=1.13, CI: 1.09 -1.17).
Conclusions. These results indicate that overweight and obesity has become a major public health problem among young adults in Indonesia which needs a national strategic plan for earlier prevention.
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