Diabetes Care Model in Malaysia
Diabetes care, diabetes educator, integrated service, patient empowermentAbstract
With the highest prevalence of diabetes in the region, Malaysia faces a massive task ahead to care for its people afflicted with the disorder. For a successful Diabetes Care model to work, it requires a well-established functioning multidisciplinary team comprising Endocrinologists/Physicians/Family Medicine Specialist Physicians, Diabetes Nurse Educators, Dieticians, Pharmacists, and others such as Podiatrists are needed to provide broad ranging services. Although we have many such individuals, trained and working independently, these services are fragmented. What is required is coordination and integration of these services to enable patients access, in a timely manner. The Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health continues to play a central role – coordinating and funding these initiatives. What is desperately needed are more certified Diabetes Nurse Educators to manage the overall care of the patients as well as to provide key diabetes education, that enable patient-empowerment to improve self care, compliance, and ultimately result in better lives.
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