Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for the ASEAN Region: Facing the Challenge of Malnutrition
Overweight and obesity increasingly prevail in the ASEAN region. Using the WHO criteria for overweight (BMI 25-29) and obesity (BMI 30 and greater), countries in the region are reporting rising rates of overweight and obesity. Consider the data from the Western Pacific Region1: Malaysia (1996) reports overweight rates of 21.4% in women and 20.1% in men, and obesity rates of 7.6% in women and 4.0% in men. Myanmar (2009) reports 30.2% in women and 17.7% in men being overweight, and 8.4% in women and 4.3% in men being obese. Singapore (1998) reports overweight rates of 20.3% in women and 28.6% in men, and obesity rates of 6.7% in women and 5.3% in men. Indonesia (2001)2 reports overweight rates 17.4% in women and 10.2% in men, and obesity rates of 4.5 % in women and 1.3 % in men.
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the Western Pacific Region (National Data), World Health Organization-Western Pacific Regional Office. http://wpro.who.int/nr/rdonlyres/cb02460d-bc81-47fb-a09f-3792508398f2/0/tableobesity.pdf. Accessed October 3, 2011.
International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) World Map of Obesity. http://www.iaso.org/publications/world-map-obesity/?map=adults. Accessed October 3, 2011.
Rody G. Sy, MD, Dante D. Morales, MD, Antonio L. Dans, MD, Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco, MD, Felix Eduardo R. Punzalan, MD, Nelson S. Abelardo, MD, Charmaine A. Duante for the Philippine National Nutrition and Health Survey 2008 working group. Manuscript in preparation. For publication.
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