Development and Validation of a Questionnaire Evaluating Impaired Hypoglycemia Awareness among Adult Filipino Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, questionnaireAbstract
Introduction. Hazards of hypoglycemia include accidents, cardiovascular events, neurologic damage, and impaired hypoglycemia awareness (IHA) which presents as inability to perceive and respond to hypoglycemic warning symptoms.
Objective. This study aimed to develop the first questionnaire evaluating IHA adapted from Clarke Hypoglycemia Index (CHI) and validated among adult Filipino patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM).
Methodology. A questionnaire development study was conducted involving CHI linguistic translation, its modification through literature review and focus group discussions, panel synthesis, and content validity. A cross-sectional analytic study followed by administration of the questionnaire to 117 adult Filipinos with T2DM, advanced age, long-standing T2DM, insulin or sulfonylurea, polypharmacy, comorbidities and/or prior hypoglycemia. There were 9 participants in pilot testing, 69 in criterion validity against continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and 108 in construct validity.
Results. IHA domains in the concept map included Elusive Euglycemia Model, Developmental Model, and Cognitive Model. The Filipino-CHI formulated had 8 questions with content validity scores ranging from 87.5-93.75%. Owing to brevity, its internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha was 0.45. Criterion validity against CGM yielded 21 patients with biochemical hypoglycemic events, of which 2 had clinical hypoglycemic events and 19 were positive monitor-identified IHA. A questionnaire IHA cutoff score of ≥4 had sensitivity of 89.47%, and area under the curve of 0.55.
Conclusion. An 8-item questionnaire evaluating IHA among adult Filipino T2DM patients was developed and validated.
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