Hyperthyroidism presenting as ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction - A Case Report
Thyrotoxicosis, Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Angina, Graves’ diseaseAbstract
A 31-year-old male, apparently well, presented with typical chest pain. His ECG showed ST-elevation from V1-V4 and echocardiogram revealed anteroseptal wall hypokinesia with ejection fraction of 45%. Normal coronary arteries were seen on coronary angiogram. A thyroid function test showed elevated free T4 levels with suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Treatment with thionamides and beta-blockers improved symptoms. Upon review 4 months later he was well. Repeat echocardiogram showed good ejection fraction with no hypokinetic area.
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