Clinical Features and Outcomes of Subacute Thyroiditis in Thai Patients
Objective. To report the clinical characteristics and outcomes of subacute thyroiditis (SAT) patients in the Theptarin Hospital Thyroid Clinic.
Methodology. A retrospective review of medical records of SAT patients in the Theptarin Hospital from January 2007 to December 2013 was conducted. Clinical characteristics, laboratory findings, modes of treatment and complications were recorded.
Results. From January 2007 to December 2013, SAT was diagnosed in 149 patients, with the occurrence of SAT peaking in October and November. Of 115 patients who had complete follow-up data, mean age was 43.8±10.8 years, 88.7% were women, and SAT was preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection in 68.7%. Oral prednisolone was given in 83 cases (72.2%) at a median starting dose of 30 mg/da and was continued for a median duration of 49 days. Recurrence of SAT during the tapering period of oral prednisolone was observed in 12% of patients, resulting in reinitiation of steroid in 13% of patients for late recurrence. Transient and permanent hypothyroidism developed in 6.1% and 8.7% of patients respectively.
Conclusions. SAT in Thai patients showed seasonal clustering during October and November. Recurrences of SAT were common in the course of steroid treatment. SAT patients require careful follow-up during steroid treatment and long-term surveillance for thyroid dysfunction.
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