Clinical Utility of Self-Reported Oral Health Measures for Predicting Periodontitis Among Adult Filipinos with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Oral Health Questionnaire, periodontitis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dental careAbstract
Background. The likelihood of periodontitis among type 2 diabetes is thrice the non-diabetic population and progresses rapidly when uncontrolled. An inexpensive and easy way of dental assessment via self-reported oral health questionnaire has great potential as a screening tool.
Objective. This study aims to validate self-reported oral health measures, socio-demographic and medical variables in predicting the severity of periodontitis in Filipino adults with type 2 diabetes.
Methodology. The validated self-reported oral health questionnaires created by the CDC Periodontal Disease Surveillance Project was translated into Filipino and used. A cross-sectional study of 180 participants was conducted in a single institution. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to determine significant predictors of serious periodontitis.
Results. Male sex [OR=2.17], low educational status [OR=2.98], poor glycemic control [OR=2.58], less frequent dental visits [OR=2.77] and teeth loss >6 [OR=5.02] were considered to be predictive of serious periodontitis. Self reported oral health variables like gum disease –Q1 [OR=8.33], state of gum health –Q2 [OR=0.39], loose teeth –Q3 [OR=63.0], brushing of teeth –Q4 [OR=0.65], use of mouthwash –Q4 [OR=0.69] and poor tooth appearance –Q5 [OR=48.42] were also shown to be significantly predictive of serious periodontitis. A recommended set of questions and proposed scoring system based on the logistic regression analysis of each predictor’s strength was then formulated.
Conclusion. The use of specific self-reported oral health questions, certain socio-demographic and medical variables appeared to be highly predictive of serious periodontitis among Filipinos with type 2 diabetes. This provides a cost-effective and rapid method of screening patients who are in need of immediate dental evaluation.
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