Typical Striae in a Case of Cushing’s Syndrome
An 18-year-old Indian boy presented with increasing weight, generalised weakness, proximal myopathy and some rashes over his abdomen for the last 6 months. On examination, he was found to have broad purple striae on his abdomen, hypertension and proximal myopathy. He gave history of exogenous oral steroid use for his bronchial asthma which had been more frequent for the last year.Downloads
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How to Cite
Jain, R., Madhu, S., Kant, S., & Prakash, V. (2014). Typical Striae in a Case of Cushing’s Syndrome. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 28(1), 90. Retrieved from https://asean-endocrinejournal.org/index.php/JAFES/article/view/59
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